
I.C.E. Exchange Preview: To the Future, and Beyond! Applying a Futurist Mindset to Achieve the Possibilities of Tomorrow

The 2023 I.C.E. Exchange (Oct. 23-27) is around the corner, where attendees will learn and share in the latest credentialing industry trends and best practices through live education and networking.

In this preview, I.C.E. Exchange presenter Jessica Anderson, ICE-CCP, director of test development, licensure and certification at Data Recognition Corporation, shares what attendees can expect from her session.

What is your background in credentialing, and what excites you most about being in this field?

My background is industrial organizational psychology, and I have been working with a wide range of credentialing organizations for nearly 15 years to develop their programs and assessments. Interpreting and applying measurement practices to a variety of industries means that I get to learn about some incredibly fascinating professions! Plus, I have the opportunity to work with some of the most knowledgeable and skilled professionals in those areas.

What can attendees look forward to during your session?

We get to exercise together! No need to worry if you’re still discovering or developing those futurist mindset muscles. Everyone can benefit from learning and practicing these exercises together — whether this is the first you’ve heard of thinking like a futurist, or if you are regularly incorporating a futurist mindset into your daily life.

Is there a particular topic you are most looking forward to discussing with the other panelists?

Since the future is ours to shape, I look forward to seeing where the participants take this session. In particular, I am excited to see how participants envision harnessing this mindset and its application to their business practices.

What highlights do you hope attendees will take away from your session?

My hope is that participants are empowered with an expanded toolset to anticipate and create change in their organizations and industries.

Personally, engaging in this mindset has helped me better anticipate and navigate a rapidly changing world, and I can see how its wide-ranging applications will help our industry to see our credentialing programs in new and exciting ways.